Circle Time

Children’s Tip by Tara Seymour

Here is a great way to introduce the “play” portion of the children’s teaching cycle, whether it is inside or out. Start by gathering the children by name. Once you have your class, find a place that you can sit or stand in a circle with them. It is fun to have them introduce themselves with a theme like “I am Jenny and my favorite ice cream is … rassleberry goodle clump.” Or maybe, “My name is Jon and my favorite color is … Rainbow.”

After the very brief and quick intro, grab their attention by reading a funny poem or singing a song. They will love this, and you will have their trust for being fun and silly. Pick from examples below or make up your own!

You can also use circle time to introduce children to the funny stiff boots on their feet. Have them hold hands and walk to the left, then the right. You can sing “wheels on the bus go round and round” or “the hokey pokey”, both of these songs work on the skills of balance and rotary. Have them use their boots for the wipers on the bus.

Children between the ages of 4-7 are at a cognitive development stage that successfully allows them to learn through play. They are physically strongest when using large body movements like turning the whole leg to create rotary movements like in the wipers on the bus.

Circle time is a great way to get to know your group, develop skills early and above all have fun.

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